
Workpackage 3: Flooding Simulation and Measurement Onboard

Workpackage number3 Start date or starting event 1
Activity typeResearch and technological development
Person-months per participant:9 11230 1


The objective of this Work Package is to develop of flood sensors data interpreter for instantaneous use in flooding prediction tools, as well as to derive methods for assessment of uncertainty in such data interpretation or for resolution of conflicts with alternative data acquisition methods (e.g. verbal description by the crew). The task will also develop guidelines on principles for design of flooding monitoring systems compatible with numerical simulation tools.

Description of work

Task 3.1 Development of flood sensors data interpreter
(Responsible: NAPA, Participants: STX, SFC)

This task will focus on study on how limited information received from flood level monitoring systems can be utilized in flooding simulations. The accuracy of the simulation depends heavily on the input data received from the flooding sensors, and hence it is important to derive methods for (a) determination of the damage extent as well as (b) instantaneous updating of flooding simulation, based on data received from the flood level monitoring system. The task aims to also derive method for handling of instantaneous changing in all input data and simulation results during the flooding sequence, e.g. resolution of contradicting information onboard, as well as quantify uncertainties associated with the whole monitoring and interpretation system.

Task 3.2 Impact of ship dynamics
(Responsible: AALTO, Participants: MARIN)

This task will focus on studying of the impact of the sea environment on the reliability of the system of flood sensors and simulation tools for predicting of ship response. Flooding simulations for a damaged ship in calm water and in various sea states will be performed. The motions will be evaluated for a number of ship operating conditions and operating areas, and for different sea states. The results will be used in Task 3.1 for quantification of the requisite uncertainties.

Task 3.3 Design of flood sensor systems
(Responsible: NAPA, Participants STX, DNV, SFC)

This task will derive principles/guidelines for design of flood sensors systems, e.g. define the required number, type (level sensor or switch) and location of the flooding sensors, specification of technical requirements for flooding sensors concerning accuracy, operability, interfaces, installation, etc.


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