Downloadable Public Reports

Part 1: Downloadable public research reports (i.e. public deliverables)
Part 2: Other publications, journal papers, conference papers, articles etc.
Part 3: General articles & information of project FLOODSTAND

Part 1: Downloadable public research reports (i.e. public deliverables)

Part 2: Other publications, journal papers, conference papers, articles etc.

Journal papers

Papers, articles, presentations etc.

Part 3: General articles & information of project FLOODSTAND

Part 1: General information of project FLOODSTAND

In case you or your colleagues have been missing for more general information or stories related to the EU-funded FP7-project FLOODSTAND (218532) you might be interested in the following sources of information in the following media:

(Note! The list below does not include the reseach reports, we call them deliverables, or the scientific journal articles, conference pares etc. listed on our project's web-page: (

More scientific publications, public research reports, journal articles, conference papers etc. can be found here:

Some short general articles related to FLOODSTAND (in Finnish)

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Last update 14.1.2013